Wednesday, April 30, 2014

1980-Something Falcon from Unamee

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Unamee.

I remember well the 1980-something space program.  They had astronauts in just about every color suit.  I don't know if that was to chalk one up for diversity, though, because their faces were all the same color. Those were the days we were playing LEGO Star Wars before there was LEGO Star Wars.  So even if this wasn't how it was printed on their plastic chests, this is the way we remembered it.

I’m pretty sure we would have finished the second Death Star if we had been building it with LEGOs, though.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bonus Stage from Threadless

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Threadless (again)

I know I highlighted Threadless yesterday, but I couldn't resist.
This is why I was never a
good Street Fighter, I could never do very well on the car wash bonus stage.

I don't know if I like this better because it's a reminder of a simpler time when Street Fighter II was the coolest game ever, or because they're washing a Fiat Cinque Cento.  Apparently it's cool to trash an early 90's Infinity, but if Ken and Ryu come upon a vintage Luigi, it's better to wash it and leave it intact.

Though this looks strangely familiar....  I wonder who had this first?

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Communist Party from Threadless

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Threadless.

This is classic Threadless.  And just like oppression in Russia, it seems to pop up every now and again. Lucky us, it has been reprinted again and ready to wear.

I think this just stands as a friendly reminder that you need to be very careful about how you invite to your parties.  And we know why those solo cups are usually red.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Mordor Fun Run from Snorg Tees

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Snorg Tees.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor." said Agent 006.  "That's right," said Rudy, "you run!"  To commemorate the felling of the dark tower, Morder hosts it's annual Fun Run to Mount Doom.  Runners remove their shoes and run over razor sharp rocks for 3 days straight with only a square of stale bread wrapped in leaves to stain them along the way.  Show your support for these pour souls!

Just don't lose a finger or go crazy doing the run.  You might have to be saved by giant eagles.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Super Exclusive Club from Tee Tee

Today's Tee of the Day Comes From Tee Tee.

When I was a kid, I wasn't allowed in the Super Exclusive Club either.  There was always that kid who had the ability to be super cool for no apparent reason, the tough guy, the super smart kid, and the one that hung from the ceiling on a whim.  I remember that super rich Wayne kid with all his gadgets trying to get in to the club, but to no avail.

I know how you feel Bruce, I know how you feel.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Doctor Pooh from Snappy Kid

Today's Tee of the Day Comes From Snappy Kid.

Admittedly, Snappy Kid caters to snappy kids.  But, they do have mom and dad sizes, too.  After all, that's who's buying them.  So why not show your support for A.A. Milne's classic, long running, sci-fi show: Doctor Pooh.  I remember Doctor Pooh showing on PBS when I was a kid.  I never understood the Doctor then, travelling through space, time and the Hundred-Acre wood.  Actually, come to think… think… think… of it, I don’t understand the Doctor even now.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mighty Hero Atop a Chicken from TeeTurtle

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from TeeTurtle

I've always wondered what the allure of a chocobo was.  I guess riding one would be pretty fast, I don't know.  But this seems fitting:
Tally Ho!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Trader Jawa from ShirtPunch

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from ShirtPunch.

Travelling the deserts of Tatooine for the best of everything, Trader Jawa's seeks to bring unique and original items to your local market.  Be it lost wandering droids or stolen blasters, Trader Jawa's has everything you need at a premium price.  After all, there's not much to be found in those deserts, but what little there is has some resale value no matter what the cost.

I'll bet they don't have Two Buck Chuck, though.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Catsup from Shirt.Woot!

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Shirt.Woot!

I have a strong distrust of cats.  And I certainly wouldn't eat them.  But nothing goes better with dogs than cats.  Catsup that is.

Made from 100% Pure Cats!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Planet of the Kong from Ript Apparel.

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Ript Apparel.

I know yesterday's tee was Donkey Kong themed, but this one is pretty awesome, too.  Poor Mario. Just when he thought he was on top of the world, he comes to understand who's world it really is.

I've seen Charleton Heston play a Mexican, but I don't know how well he'd do as a short Italian plumber.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Strange Country from Shirt.Woot!

News Brief – 1994 A Strange Country has been discovered that appears to be ruled by intelligent primates.  These large monkeys, calling themselves “Kongs” have absolute control over the island and typically use brute force to subdue lesser creatures within the ecosystem, whether friend or foe. 

2014 – Apparently the news media has kept this strange country under wraps, perhaps for fear of wayward travelers ending up there and getting smashed by a stray barrel.  Undermine the system and raise awareness with this tee from Shirt.Woot!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Naskart from The Yetee

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from The Yetee

I don’t follow any racing circuits, but when I do, I usually like to catch up on who has won the Flower Cup recently.  I remember the beginning days of Naskart when there were only a handful of racers, but in recent years there have been a number of rookies that I don’t even know their names.  But if you’re a Naskart fan, this shirt’s for you.

I was surprised that R.O.B. the Robot showed up as a rookie in recent years, being as he’s almost 30, which seems pretty old for a racer.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Missing Turtle by Qwertee

Today's Tee of the Day Comes From Qwertee

I’ve never owned a turtle, aside from a plastic one with swords.  My brother also owned a plastic turtle, his actually did have nunchucks.  We found it one day with the lawnmower.  I dearly hope that no one has to call Splinter and tell him that they found this missing Michelangelo with a lawnmower.

Unless of course they find him with a lawnmower meaning they find him in possession of a lawnmower, but knowing Michelangelo, I find that unlikely.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bubble Boba from Unamee

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Unamee

I remember as a kid getting my parents to occasionally rent a classic NES for a weekend before we could afford one.  Those were the days.  Saturday mornings were awesome playing Bubble Boba with my brother before mom and dad woke up.  I remember turning the volume knob down all the way and then back up just a touch so we could still hear it, but the sounds of Bubble blasting bounty hunters wouldn't wake them.

What, this wasn't a real game?  Are you sure?  I remember it so vividly, and nothing about these bubble spewing lizards you're talking about.  That sounds like a ridiculous bad dream or something.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Snowman Competition from TeeFury

Today's Tee of the day comes from TeeFury.

I have always been a big fan of the Calvin & Hobbs mentality, "If you do a job badly enough, you may not get asked to do it again." Of course, that has nothing to do with Calvin's snowman making skills.  Try as I might, I have never been able to match them.  Well, Calvin, Disney has 1-uped you.  Sorry.  Be careful who you challenge to a snowman competition.

Yeah, Calvin, your minions have nothing on Marshmallow and Olaf.  Sorry.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Rebel Fox from Ript Apparel

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Ript Apparel

There’s not much more that can be said about how awesome it would be if Star Fox himself joined the Rebel Alliance.  

That said, which wasn’t much, if J.J. Abrams has a fox as a star fighter pilot in Episode VII, then I’m going laugh.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Accidental Bully From Captain Kyso

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Captain Kyso.

Gunshot wounds, Yellow Card's Believe, and Onions all rank among the things that make grown men cry.  That's kind of a bad rap for onions.  They didn't really mean to be mean.  It's probably a hard life growing up like that.

Don't worry onions, I think durians have it worse.  At least onions aren't banned from public places.

Friday, April 4, 2014

1985: A Gaming Odyssey from TeeTurtle

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from TeeTurtle.

Stanley Kubrick meets Shigeru Miyamoto.  I think that's really all that needs to be said, really.

Pretty Epic!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Googly Dawg from Threadless

Today's tee of the day comes from Threadless

I saw this earlier in the week and thought it was an April Fool's joke.  I guess the joke was that it wasn't a joke.

I don't know how well googly eyes will last on a shirt through washing.  I don't know how long Threadless' stock will last either, but I'm kind of surprised that there are still some of these limited edition tees left.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Who's There? from TeeTurtle

Today's tee of the day comes from Tee Turtle

I had a discussion recently with my kids on how knock knock jokes are supposed to work.  They didn't get it.  All the know is the banana/orange one that is super lame.  Leave it to Gru's minions to make it funny again:

Absolutely awesome.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Grab Bag Sale from Threadless

Today's Shirt(s) of the Day comes from Threadless.

I know this is pretty much just Threadless trying to get rid of some overstock, but 3 tees for $20 isn't bad.

I'm very partial to witty or funny tees, and it seems that Threadless has mostly gone towards artsy tees, so that's what I'd expect out of this sale, but who knows what you're going to get.  It sounds like fun!