Thursday, May 8, 2014

No One Understands Me from Captain KYSO

Today's Tee of the Day Comes from Captain KYSO

For some reason I'm the resident math whiz around my office.  I commonly get questions like:  "How do I calculate percentage?" "How do I convert unit x to unit y?" "Where did all my desktop items go?"  Ok, so that last one isn't math based, but it still comes up a lot.  I don't understand how some people got to where they are without understanding arithmetic.  I will admit, though that multivariate calculus is not my strong suit.  So I hear you Maths book, I hear you.

I can't imagine what the Theoretical Quantum Physics book says during his session.  Probably the Psychology book can't either.  Do you think the Psychology book counsels other Psychology books?  Do they understand each other?

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